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Envelopes de Figurinhas Copa do Mundo 1998 – Panini

São catalogados 14 envelopes de figurinhas da editora panini para a copa do mundo de 1998 na França. Destes, temos em nossa coleção apenas 9 envelopes (There are cataloged 14 packs of panini publisher for the 1998 World Cup in France. Of these, we have in our collection only 9 packs).

Precisamos de outros 5. Você pode nos ajudar? Envie e-mail para ou simplesmente comente neste post (We need other 5. Can you help us? Send an email to or just comment on this post).


Versão Brasil

América do Sul Gratuito (Free South American) – Precisamos deste envelope (we miss this pack):

Versão Promocional América do Sul


Código de Barras Amarelo (Argentina)

África do Sul (South Africa) – Precisamos deste envelope (we miss this pack):

Versão África do Sul


Versão TOTAL

Verso Vertical (Vertical Back):

Versão Vertical

Verso Horizontal sem bolas (No balls horizontal back):

Versão Horizontal 0 bola

Verso Horizontal com 1 bola (1 ball horizontal back):

Versão Horizontal 1 bola

Verso Horizontal com 2 bolas (2 balls horizontal back):

Versão Horizontal 2 bolas

Verso Horizontal com 3 bolas (3 balls horizontal back):

Versão Horizontal 3 bolas

Danone 1:

Danone 2

Danone 2:

Danone 1

Danone 3:

Danone 3

Danone 4 – Precisamos deste envelope (we miss this pack):

Danone 4

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Respostas de 2

  1. Hello from Germany.
    I saw your collection of Panini sticker packs. I´m also a big collector and I still have some packs to offer to you…I can give you the “Danone3” pack for free if you like 🙂 Maybe you have also some packs to share, especially brazil or south american versions ? regards

    1. hello friend, what envelopes do you need? I am also a collector, will you have an email or phone number to communicate with us by WhatsApp?
      Greetings from Mexico

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